MaxiCut 34-471

MaxiCut® combines cut protection with comfort, flexibility and dexterity for dry environments.

Design: 3/4 coated knitwrist

Palm thickness: 1.30 mm


For protection against cuts

For protection against cuts

Innovative fibres - CUTtech® combines and blends high performance yarns and fibres to impart different levels of cut protection with the driving philosophy to deliver high levels of comfort and wearer satisfaction.
Reinforcement - between the thumb and forefinger, improves cut resistance and extends glove life in an inherently weak area.

Delivering 360° breathability

Delivering 360° breathability

360° breathability - Our patented micro-foam coating channels moisture and heat away from your skin to maintain an optimal hand temperature so you can work productively.
For a greater cooling effect look to use our AD-APT® Technology which works in conjunction with AIRtech®.

For reduced hand fatigue

For reduced hand fatigue

Form, fit and feel - mimics the “hand at rest”, reducing hand fatigue and increasing comfort.
Latest knitting technology - utilized to produce smooth and rounded fingertips, improving fingertip sensitivity.
Consistent liner penetration - from the nitrile, leaving only the soft liner resting against the skin.

For better performance

For better performance

Optimized grip - delivered through our micro-cup finish, allows for a controlled grip. GRIPtech® decreases hand fatigue and increases safety.

ui & ux design • CRATER / development • ikidijital